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Anti-Discrimination at the University of Bayreuth

What is discrimination?

The legal understanding of discrimination applicable at the University of Bayreuth includes forms of disadvantage and harassment

  •  on racial grounds or on grounds of ethnic origin,
  •  on grounds of gender
  •  on grounds of religion or belief,
  •  on grounds of disability
  •  on grounds of age or
  •  on grounds of sexual identity.

On this page, students and employees can find information on relevant contact persons, advice services and complaint options at our university as well as on free external support services.
You will also find information on the underlying legal regulations as well as on our university committees and working groups responsible for anti-discrimination.


Help in cases of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and sexualised violence

Confidential contact persons

The contact persons offer confidential advice and support to everyone who experiences or observes discrimination or harassment at our university. They are not bound by instructions and do not pass on any information without the consent of the person concerned.

Diversity Service Centre

The Diversity Service Centre informs and advises students and employees about

  • internal and external advice and support services,
  • legal protection against discrimination,
  • options for lodging complaints and
  • options for conflict resolution.

Contact information
Phone: 0921 55-4545
E-mail: diversity@uni-bayreuth.de
Office: Bayreuth, Nürnberger Strasse 38, building 1, room 1.2.15

Further advice services

Services for employees and professorsHide

Advice services for employees and professors

  • Representative for Occupational Integration Management
  • Representative for Family-Friendly University
  • External Conflict Advisors at the University of Bayreuth
  • Women's Representative of the University
  • Women's Representatives of the Faculties
  • Equal Opportunities Commissioner for Non-Academic staff
  • Representative for Inclusion at the University of Bayreuth
  • Research Associates' Council
  • Ombudspersons for Early-Career Scholars
  • Staff Council
  • Equal Opportunities Service Centre
  • Ombudsperson for Severely Disabled Persons and Those with an Equivalent Status.
Advice services for students Hide

Advice services for students

  • Faculty Officers for Teaching and Students
  • Equal Opportunities Service Centre
  • Ombudspersons for Early-Career Scholars
  • Representative for Family-Friendly University
  • Representative for Students with Disabilities
  • Women's Representative of the University
  • Women's Representatives of the Faculties
  • Student Advising Office
  • Student Council Representatives
  • Student Parliament Spokesperson for Social Affairs, Diversity and Health.
External counselling centres and reporting portalsHide

External counselling centres and reporting portals (confidential, free of charge)

The counselling centres listed below offer free, qualified online and telephone counselling on discrimination, harassment and violence. The Reporting portals also listed serve to record and analyse collect and analyse such incidents.

B.U.D. Counselling, support, documentation for victims of right-wing violence
An independent point of contact for victims of right-wing, racist & anti-Semitic violence in Bavaria..

Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
Initial legal assessment in case of discrimination and sexual harassment.

Reporting portal for anti-Muslim racism - I Report
In order to uniformly record and make visible anti-Muslim racism nationwide, CLAIM registers and documents anti-Muslim incidents via the reporting portal I Report.

Reporting portal for anti-Semitism
The nationwide portal serves to record anti-Semitic incidents. Counselling is offered upon request.

Sexual Abuse Help Portal
The “Sexual Abuse Help” portal gives survivors, relatives and specialists quick access to help and advice. Anyone who is worried about a child or has questions about the issue can also find support here. A nationwide database guides users to suitable counselling centres, crisis services, psychotherapists or lawyers.

Violence against Women Support Hotline
confidential support for women in need.

Weisser Ring
WEISSER RING is the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany. "We are independent from state funding and we are committed to help victims of crime". Services include a victims' helpline, personal helpdesks and online consulting.

Complaints Office and Complaint Procedure in Cases of Discrimination and Harassment

In cases of discrimination and harassment in the area of the University of Bayreuth, students, employees, professors and other affected persons may file a complaint. A complaint initiates a formal complaint procedure which will be conducted by the neutral complaints office.

Complaint procedureHide

Complaint procedure

The complaint procedure comprises the following steps:

  • investigation
    an investigation of the case ("What happened?"),
  • legal examination
    a legal examination ("Are the criteria of discrimination or harassment met?"),
  • notification
    a written notification of the outcome, and
  • measures
    measures to eliminate existing discrimination and to prevent future discrimination.
Complaints OfficeHide

Complaints Office

These persons have been appointed for the function of the complaints office: 

Dr. Stefan Kurth
Building NW III, room 02.28 
Telephone: 0921 55-7870 
E-Mail: diskriminierungsbeschwerde@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. Anja Chales de Beaulieu
Building Zapf 1, room 1.2.14
Telephone: 0921 55-4722 
E-Mail: diskriminierungsbeschwerde@uni-bayreuth.de

Other means of complaintHide

Other means of complaint

In addition to a complaint based on the General Equal Treatment Act and the Anti-Discrimination Guidelines of the University of Bayreuth, there are also these options for a complaint:

  • complaint about the personal misconduct of a civil servant/employees of the public service (Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde),
  • complaint about an an unlawful or inappropriate administrative decision or measure (Fachaufsichtsbeschwerde).

More information

Legal protection against discrimination in the area of working life

Protection against discrimination in the area of working life is regulated by the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG). The deadline for filing a claim for compensation in the event of discrimination or harassment is defined by the Labour Court Act.

General Equal Treatment ActHide

General Equal Treatment Act

The General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG) provides protection in the area of working life against discrimination

“on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation” (§ 1 AGG).

In addition to the work relationship itself, this also includes the areas of application, recruitment, promotion, working conditions, dismissal and professional training.

If the employee has suffered material or non-material damage, they can demand compensation from the employer. This claim must be asserted within a period of two months.

Go to the General Equal Treatment Act (English translation) on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice.

§ 61b of the Labour Court ActHide

§ 61b of the Labour Court Act

In the event of discrimination within the meaning of the General Equal Treatment Act, the employee can sue for compensation in accordance with § 15 AGG.

An action for compensation must be brought within three months of the claim being asserted in writing to the employer. This deadline is defined in § 61b of the Labour Court Act.

Go to § 61b of the Labour Court Act (in German) on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice.

Protection against Discrimination for Members of Bavarian Universities

The Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act regulates the protection against discrimination for all members of higher education institutions. This includes all students, doctoral candidates, academic and non-academic staff, lecturers and professors.

Bavarian Higher Education Innovation ActHide

Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act

The Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz, BayHIG) embeds the protection against discrimination of all university members centrally in the general tasks of universities:

"Universities shall ensure equal opportunities for their members irrespective of gender, social, cultural or ethnic background, age, sexual identity, religion or belief, disability or chronic illness. " (§ 2 para. 5 sentence 1 BayHIG)

Go to the Bavarian Higher Education Act (in German) on the on the "Bürgerservice Bayern.Recht" website of the Bavarian State Chancellery.

Guidelines on Protection Against Discrimination and Harassment in Consideration of the General Equal Treatment Act at the University of Bayreuth

In 2020, the University of Bayreuth has issued its Anti-Discrimination Guidelines. They specify the protection against discrimination as regulated in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) for employment relationships, and extend it to all members of the University of Bayreuth.

Purpose and Contents of the GuidelinesHide

Purpose and Contents of the Guidelines

Their purpose is

  • to raise awareness of non-discrimination among all members of the university,
  • establish measures to prevent discrimination and harassment, and
  • to regulate the procedures for dealing with cases of discrimination and harassment.

They prohibit
discrimination (unwarranted disadvantage) and harassment (behaviours violating a person's dignity) based on

  • racist reasons or ethnic ascriptions,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • sexual identity,
  • religion or beliefs,
  • impairments classified as disabilities, and
  • age.

They introduce

  • positive measures to raise awareness, to prevent discrimination and harassment, and to promote equal opportunities for all university members,
  • counselling structures for persons affected by discrimination or harassment, and
  • a neutral complaints office and a formal complaints procedure.
Rights and obligations of all University membersHide

Rights and obligations of all University members

The Anti-Discrimination Guidelines state the following:

"The University of Bayreuth does not tolerate discrimination or harassment by university members." (from the preamble)

"The University of Bayreuth encourages a culture of not looking away. University members are called upon to offer assistance to anyone affected by cases of discrimination or harassment that come to their attention and to support them in resolving conflicts." (from the preamble)

"All members and affiliates of the University, in particular those with training, qualification, or management duties in teaching, research, education, administration, or self-governance, shall be responsible within their own area of responsibility, by virtue of their duty of care, for ensuring that, in particular, sexual and racial harassment, discrimination, and violence are prevented or eliminated and legally reviewed." (§ 3 para. 2)

"Those affected are encouraged to exercise their rights and to report to the counselling and trust centres about experienced cases of harassment, discrimination, or violence, and to seek advice and make a complaint." (§ 4 para. 4)

Full text of the GuidelinesHide

Full text of the Antidiscrimination Guidelines

The Guidelines can be found in German and English on the webpage "Amtliche Bekanntmachungen der Universität Bayreuth" (Official Annoucements of the University of Bayreuth) under the heading "Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie":

Go to our Anti-Discrimination Guidelines (English translation).

Committees and Working Groups

The University of Bayreuth has created various structures to promote equal treatment and to eliminate and prevent discrimination and harassment.

Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & DiversityHide

Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity

At the level of strategic governance, the University Governing Board is supported by the Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity, chaired by the Vice-President for Internationalisation, Equal Opportunities and Diversity.

The tasks of the Committee
include, according to § 23 of the University's Constitution:

  • the improvement of equal opportunities,
  • the reconciliation of family, studies and career,
  • diversity management, and
  • protection against discrimination and harassment.

Responsibilities in the field of anti-discrimination
The committee's responsibilities for the protection against discrimination and harassment are detailled in § 5 of the Anti-Discrimination Guidelines of the University of Bayreuth. They include:

  • the (further) development of measures to promote equal treatment and anti-discrimination,
  • the annual evaluation of awareness and prevention measures,
  • the evaluation of the anonymised counselling and complaint cases, and
  • the annual report to the university management, the Senate and the Employees' Council on the effectiveness of the prevention strategy and measures.

A list of the members of the Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity can be found on the page "Organization" of the University of Bayreuth.

Anti-Discrimination Working GroupHide

Anti-Discrimination Working Group

The working group was established as a permanent institution of the University of Bayreuth by its Anti-Discrimination Guidelines.

Its responsibilities include

  • exchange on the status quo of equal treatment and discrimination at the University of Bayreuth,
  • developing proposals for measures to eliminate and prevent discrimination,
  • regular report to the Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity.

Members of the Working Group

  • AK Queer (Queer Students' Working Group)
  • becks
  • Conflict Counselors
  • Diversity Service Centre
  • Employee's Council
  • Equal Opportunities Department
  • Equal Opportunities Officer for non-academic staff
  • Family-Friendly University
  • Gender and Diversity Office, Cluster of Excellence Africa Multiple
  • HeForShe Bayreuth
  • Ombudspersons for Early-Career Scholars
  • Representative for Family-Friendly University
  • Ombudsperson for Severely Disabled Persons and Those with an Equivalent Status
  • Psychological Counselling (Studierendenwerk Oberfranken)
  • Representative for Students with Disabilities
  • Research Associates' Council
  • Representative for Integration Management
  • Representatives of the Complaints Office
  • Women's Representative of the University
  • Social Counselling (Studierendenwerk Oberfranken)
  • GeQuInDi network
  • Student Council.

Dr. Stefan Kurth, Diversity Service Centre.

Anti-Racism CommitteeHide

Anti-Racism Committee

The Anti-Racism Committee was founded in 2020 by the Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity. It serves to promote a critical debate on racism and to develop anti-racist measures at the University of Bayreuth.

Activities of the Committee

  • Information and Networking efforts
  • Events on anti-racism for university members

Members of the Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma (Chair for Economic Geography)
  • Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann (Chair for Islamic Studies, Dean of Cluster of Excellence "Africa Multiple")
  • Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt (Professorship of English Studies and Anglophone Literature)
  • Dr. Christine Vogt-William (Director, Gender & Diversity Office of the Cluster of Excellence "Africa Multiple")
  • Dr. Arnim Heinemann (Director of the International Office)
  • Dr. Stefan Kurth (Head of Diversity Service Centre)
  • N.N. (student member)

Please get in touch with a member of your choice!

Webmaster: Dr. Stefan Kurth

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