Inclusion at the University of Bayreuth
Action Plan "Inclusive University of Bayreuth"
The University of Bayreuth is a place of action for students and employees with and without disabilities and chronic illnesses. Inclusion is therefore an essential basis for teaching, learning, researching and working together on an equal footing with mutual respect.
Therefore, the action plan "Inclusive University of Bayreuth" is now being developed. On the one hand, this serves as an instrument to remove barriers that prevent students and employees from having the chance to participate fully and equally. On the other hand, it serves to build accessibility, appreciation of diversity and inclusion.
A lot has already been achieved at the University of Bayreuth through the efforts of various internal institutions.The process of developing and implementing the Action Plan enables a comprehensive examination of the status quo. It thus opens up for exchange about needs and goals.
The perspectives and experiences of students and employees with disabilities and chronic illnesses are particularly valuable for making a lasting difference. Join in and share your experiences.
- Further information on the Action PlanHide
The Diversity Service Centre is currently developing the Action Plan "Inclusive University of Bayreuth" in close cooperation with becks, the SBV and other internal university institutions. The Action Plan is anchored as a measure in the Structural and Development Plan StEP 2025 of the University of Bayreuth. It is intended to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for our university. The aim is to enable our employees and students with impairments and chronic illnesses to participate fully and equally.
To this end, we will first determine the current state of accessibility at UBT and where barriers impede or prevent equal opportunities and participation. Subsequently, specific goals and concrete measures will be developed for the areas of employment, research, study and teaching.
In addition to constructional accessibility, this also includes digital accessibility, university communication, information and counselling services as well as public relations and awareness-raising for all. All of this is done with the intensive involvement of the responsible departments as well as the employee and student representatives.
Support the Action Plan! - Be a part of it!
For the successful creation of the Action Plan, we depend on your help. We would be pleased if you would share your experiences with barriers at the University of Bayreuth with us, as well as your suggestions and ideas.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to a personal interview. Are you interested? Please get in touch at Upon request, I will be happy to send you the interview guide in advance.The conversation is confidential and only its content is transferred into the Action Plan.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to fill out a short feedback form on your assessment of accessibility and experienced barriers on campus. The submission of the form is anonymous.
Poster Campaign
- 16% of all students have a disability.Hide
"In relation to all students, almost 16% report at least one health impairment that makes their studies more difficult. Of the students with a health impairment that makes studying more difficult, just over 24% report a very severe impairment and a further 35% report a severe impairment.
Among all students with a study-impairing impairment who stated the type of impairment(s), [mental illnesses are] by far the most common. Overall, around 65% of students with a study-impairing impairment state that they have a mental illness. Just over 13% report a chronic illness. Around 2% report a visual impairment or blindness, around 3% a movement impairment, just under 4% a partial performance disorder and just over 1% a hearing impairment or deafness. Around 5% and 7% respectively reported other impairments or multiple impairments of equal severity.
The extent of impairments that make studying difficult hardly varies between the genders. While a good 59% of female students report (very) severe study difficulties, the figure for male students is around 57%." (p. 42f., translated by author)
the social survey was conducted in the summer of 2021.
- Depression is the most common disability among students.Hide
The social survey of the German Student Union (Studentenwerk) on the economic and social situation of students in Germany shows:
"Students with mental illnesses are by far the largest group of students with study-related impairments in 2021. Their share has once again increased significantly - by 10 percentage points - compared to 2016 (2021: 65%; 2016: 55%). At the same time, mental illnesses have an above-average impact on studies compared to other impairments (66% vs. 59%)." (translated by author)
The forms of mental illness are so varied that general statements can hardly be made. Nevertheless, mental illnesses often occur episodically and so performance is often determined by the course of the illness.
- Out of fear of stigmatisation, many people with disabilities do not make use of support services.Hide
The social survey of the German Student Union (Studentenwerk) on the economic and social situation of students in Germany shows:
"Around 44% of students have impairment-related difficulties in social interaction, which are triggers or amplifiers of study problems.
In particular, the fear of rejection and stigmatisation as well as negative experiences related to "coming out" make communication with teachers, fellow students and the administration more difficult." (best2 on the 21st Social Survey of the German Student Union 2016, p.2, translated by author)
- Impairments are multifaceted and diverse. People get disabled.Hide
The social survey of the German Student Union (Studentenwerk) on the economic and social situation of students in Germany shows:
"Enabling people with health impairments to participate equally in society and thus also in education is an important political and social mandate. This is regulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Federal Participation Act, the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) and the federal and state laws on equal opportunities for people with disabilities.
According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a health impairment is no longer regarded as an individual characteristic of a person, but rather as the interaction of impaired people with barriers in their environment. This modern understanding of disability implies that people are not ‘disabled’ per se, but are only disabled by the barriers in their environment." (best3 on the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union 2021, p.12, translated by author)
Forms of impairment, for example, can be differentiated as follows: Mental illnesses, chronic-somatic illnesses, multiple impairments, mobility impairments, partial performance disorders (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia), visual impairments / blindness, hearing impairments / deafness, speech / language impairments and other impairments.
Inclusion needs a paradigm shift. This is achieved by dismantling environmental and attitudinal barriers through changing cultures, structures and practices in the higher education context and beyond.
"In terms of inclusion, the unrestricted participation of all people in all areas of life and work should be guaranteed. This also includes inclusion in education and thus higher education. Enabling barrier-free and equal participation in (higher) education is an important (educational) policy task. In the context of higher education, this can be achieved with the help of ‘reasonable accommodation'." (best3 on the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union 2021, p.12, translated by author)
- Only 66 % know about the specific counselling services for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.Hide
The social survey of the German Student Union (Studentenwerk) on the economic and social situation of students in Germany shows:
"Around 66% of students with disabilities that make it difficult to study are aware of the psychological
counselling centres at the university or the local Student Union. The other impairment-related counselling centres are much less well known to students. The percentages vary from just under 17% (student self-help for the disabled) to almost 45% (university counselling centres for students with disabilities)." (best3 on the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union 2021, p.10, translated by author)"Around 50% of students [...] found [the psychological counselling centres] to be (very) helpful. The university's own counselling centres for students with disabilities are also used by a good 24% of students and the respective counselling services are considered (very) helpful by around 50%." (best3 on the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union 2021, p.10, translated by author)
And yet:
"More than half of students with severe academic impairments have refrained from applying for compensation for disadvantages or individual adjustments because they do not feel impaired enough (58.7%). Almost 57% are also unsure whether they are even entitled or whether an application would have a chance of being approved. Students with an equally severe multiple impairment or mental illness in particular refrain from applying for individual adjustments or compensation for disadvantages, although they report the most difficulties in their studies." (best3 zur 22. on the 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Union 2021, p.11, translated by author)
For Students
becks - Office of the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
- To the becks website
Psychological Counselling
- To the Psychological Counselling pages of the Studentenwerk Oberfranken
You can report a barrier that you have noticed on campus and/or in the buildings of the University of Bayreuth at any time using the barrier reporter:
- To the barrier reporter (in German)
Advice, support and complaints about discrimination and harassment
- To the page "Anti-discrimination at the University of Bayreuth" on the Diversity Service Centre website
For Employees
Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons and Those with an Equivalent Status (SBV)
- To the website of the SBV (German)
Employer's Inclusion Representative
- Contact information on the page "Commissioners for special matters" of the University of Bayreuth
Advice, support and complaints about discrimination and harassment
- To the page "Anti-discrimination at the University of Bayreuth" on the Diversity Service Centre website
Campus Info
Campus accessibility information and maps for the following areas:
Accessible parking spaces
- PDF map "Campus map with special parking spaces labelled" available on the UBT "Campusplan" website
Braille steles
- PDF map "Infostelen mit Braille-Beschriftung" available on the becks page "Barrierefreiheit an der Universität Bayreuth (in German)
Induction loops
- overview on ITS page "Multimedia-Ausstattung der Hörsäle und Seminarräume" (in German)
Accessible entrances
- (currently in preparation)
Accessible toilets
- (currently in preparation)
Hygiene waste bins in men's toilets
- download PDF document (in German)
University working groups
Working Group on Inclusion
- contact via Diversity Service Centre
Anti-discrimination working group
- contact via Diversity Service Centre
Building Accessibility Working Group
- contact via Central Technology, Dept. of Real Estate and Building Management (in German)