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The Diversity Service Centre’s Projects

Ongoing Projects

Survey on experiences of discrimination
(since 04/2023)

Collaboration in a faculty pilot project to survey and evaluate employees' experiences of discrimination and harassment.

Revision of our Anti-Discrimination Guidelines
(since 01/2023)

Adaptation to the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz, BayHIG), enhancement of the complaint procedure, etc.

Action Plan: Inclusive University of Bayreuth ​
(since 01/2022)

Development of a goal and action plan for comprehensive accessibility and equal participation opportunities for staff and students with impairments at the University of Bayreuth.

Self-study course: Diversity and inclusion in university teaching
(since 01/2021)

Conception and realisation of an e-learning course for lecturers (in cooperation with the Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre FBZHL).

Anti-Racism Committee
(since 10/2020)

Development and establishment of the Anti-Racism Committee, conceptual and organisational involvement in awareness-raising and empowerment measures, etc. 

Concept for further training on diversity and inclusion, anti-bias and non-discrimination
(since 08/2019)

Development, implementation and evaluation of a training concept for professors, executive staff and counsellors  with funds from the target agreement 2019-2022.

Completed Projects

Network "Antidiscrimination at Bavarian Universities and Colleges"

Network building among equality, diversity and anti-discrimination actors of Bavarian universities and colleges (together with FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg).

Violence protection programme

Implementation of the Bavarian State Government's Violence Protection Programme at the University of Bayreuth, establishment of a reporting procedure and a central reporting office for incidents of violence, creation of an intranet page.

Protection against discrimination

Implementation of the "Positive Action Measures" according to § 5 of the Anti-Discrimination Guidelines for awareness raising and prevention and to promote effective equality. Development of a format for the annual report to the University Governing Board, Senate and Staff Council with proposals for further development.

Training on the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

Establishment of a German- and English-language training programme "AGG for executives" for professors as well as academic and non-academic employees with staff responsibilities.

Monitoring: Discrimination and harassment as topics of counselling and complaint cases

Development of a regular survey and evaluation for the Presidential Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities and Diversity.

Concept for Inclusive Studying ​(12/2019-07/2021)

Development of a concept to promote diversity-friendly study conditions and heterogeneity-oriented teaching at the University of Bayreuth.

Establishment of a Complaints Office

Establishment of a central complaints office for complaint procedures in cases of discrimination and harassment in accordance with the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) and the Anti-Discrimination Guidelines of the University of Bayreuth.

Respect for religious holidays

Development of proposals for action on how religious holidays and rest periods can be taken into account in the organisation of examinations (with Dept. I).

Overviews "Equal Opportunities & Diversity" for students and staff

Conception and realisation of overviews of all counselling and service offers as bilingual print brochures, accessible pdf documents, and websites.

Anti-Discrimination Guidelines

Development of Anti-Discrimination Guidelines on the basis of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) with an expansion of the protection against discrimination and the right of complaint to all members of the University of Bayreuth.

Webmaster: Dr. Stefan Kurth

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