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Equal Opportunities & Diversity: Documents

Please note: Some of the documents listed below are only available in German. If you wish to receive information on these documents in English, please contact our service centres and commissioners.

Strategic Papers

Structure and Development Plan 2025

Describes the overall strategic orientation of the University of Bayreuth, including the cross-cutting theme of "equal opportunities and diversity".

University Contract 2023-2027 between the University of Bayreuth and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (on the Ministry's "Framework Agreement and University Contracts" page, in German)

Contains section "III.5 Equality, equal opportunities, inclusion" which specifies goals and measures for the advancement of women, the quota for severely disabled employees, accessibility, diversity and family-friendliness.

Target agreements between the University Governing Board and the Faculties for the implementation of gender equality at the University of Bayreuth (on the "Information" page of the Gender Equality Service Centre)

A university policy instrument to accomplish equal opportunities for women and men in the faculties.

Constitution, Statutes, Guidelines, Agreements

Constitution of the University of Bayreuth (Grundordnung, English version on our university's "Weitere Ordnungen und Satzungen" page)

Describes, among other things, the tasks of the Presidential Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities & Diversity as well as of the commissioners for a family-friendly university and for students with disabilities.

Anti-Discrimination Guidelines (Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie, English version on the "Weitere Ordnungen und Satzungen" page)

Full title: Guideline on Protection Against Discrimination and Harassment in Consideration of the General Equal Treatment Act at the University of Bayreuth.

The guidelines cover definitions of discrimination and harassment; a ban on discrimination; awareness raising, prevention and equality measures; anti-discrimination advice; a formal complaints' procedure; and sanctions.

Guidelines for conflict resolution in the workplace (in German, "Richtlinie zur Konfliktbewältigung am Arbeitsplatz", on our intranet page "Counselling and Conflict Resolution at UBT")

Regulate the handling of conflicts for employees, including internal university contact points, external conflict counselling and a phased conflict resolution procedure.

Statutes of the University of Bayreuth to ensure the standards of good scientific practice and to deal with scientific misconduct (in German, "Satzung zur Sicherung der Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zum Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten", on the "Weitere Ordnungen und Satzungen" page)

Defines rules of good scientific practice as well as scientific misconduct; introduces a procedure for allegations of scientific misconduct. The rules of good scientific practice include "assessing the relevance of gender and diversity to the research project and taking the outcome of this assessment into account in the design of the research project".

Internal agreement on alternating residential work and telework (in German, "Dienstvereinbarung zur alternierenden Wohnraum- und Telearbeit", on the intranet page "Personalwesen", letter D - Dienstvereinbarungen)

Regulations of residential and teleworking with regard to spatial and technical conditions, requirements of the department, work equipment and resources, occupational health and safety, questions of liability, performance monitoring and data protection.

Further Guidelines and Recommendations

Language Guide for the University of Bayreuth (in German, "Sprachleitfaden", on the Gender Equality Service Centre website)

Contains recommendations for gender-sensitive language use in order to implement equitable treatment in official communication.

Recommendations for supervisors on family-related leave of employees: parental and care leave (in German, "Handlungsempfehlungen für Vorgesetzte bei familienbedingten Freistellungen von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern", on the intranet page "Personalwesen", letter H - Handlungsempfehlungen)

Recommends a four-phase process for family-related leave (preparation for leave, leave period, preparation for re-entry and re-entry).

Procedural principles for the Ombudsman for Young Scientists at the University of Bayreuth (in German, "Ombudspersonen für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs der Universität Bayreuth. Verfahrensgrundsätze mit Erläuterungen", on the intranet page "Ombudspersonen für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs" of the Junior Schoar Office)

Describes, among other things, the function and responsibility of ombudspersons as well as their activities of counselling, conflict management and mediation.

Guidelines for the Appointment Process (in German, "Berufungsleitfaden", on the intranet page "Berufungsausschüsse")

Cover, among other aspects, principles, regulations and recommendations for gender- and diversity-sensitive recruitment in appointment procedures.

Guidelines for Recruitment (in German, "Leitfaden Personalgewinnung", on the intranet page "Personalwesen", letter E - "Einstellung neuer Mitarbeiter/innen")

Contains, among other aspects, principles, regulations and recommendations for gender- and diversity-sensitive staff recruitment

Shaping a Doctorate Together - Guidelines for Supervisors (QZP Guidelines, on the "Regulations and Brochures for Junior Scholars" page of the Jonior Scholar Office)

Contains a chapter on "Conflict Situations and How to Resolve Them".

Teaching Mission Statement (in German, on our university's central website)

Contains a section on "Equal Opportunity and Diversity in Teaching".

Numbers and Reports

Annual reports of the women's representative and the equal opportunities department (in German, on the Gender Equality Service Centre website)

Describe measures, staff, acquisition of third-party funding and events of the Women's Representatives and the Equal Opportunities Department; presents the proportion of women and men at the University of Bayreuth on the various qualification levels.

Information about the numbers and data concerning equal opportunities at the University of Bayreuth (on the Gender Equality Service Centre website)

Equality-relevant figures and data from the University of Bayreuth for the university's internal quality management and external reporting.

Legal Framework
at federal level

General Act on Equal Treatment AGG (on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice)

Federal law that comprehensively regulates protection against discrimination on the basis of racism or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.

Disability Equality Act (in German, "Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz", on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice)

Regulates the equality of people with disabilities in the area of public law (insofar as the federal government is responsible).

Act on Self-Determination with regard to Gender Entry (in German, "Gesetz über die Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag", on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice)

The law regulates how transgender, intersex and non-binary people can change their gender entry in the civil status register as well as their first names.

Social Code - Book IX (in German, "Sozialgesetzbuch - Neuntes Buch" (in German, on the "Gesetze im Internet" website of the Federal Ministry of Justice)

Contains the regulations for rehabilitation and participation of people with disabilities in Germany.

at state level (Bavaria)

Bavarian Act on Equal Treatment (in German, "Bayerisches Gleichstellungsgesetz", on the "Bürgerservice Bayern.Recht" website of the Bavarian State Chancellery)

Law on the effective implementation of equal rights for women and men.

Bavarian Higher Education Act (in German, "Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)", on the "Bürgerservice Bayern.Recht" website of the Bavarian State Chancellery)

Regulates, among other things, equal opportunies and inclusion of all university members regardless of gender, social, cultural or ethnic origin, age, sexual identity, religion or world view, disability or chronic illness.

Guidelines on the Inclusion of Disabled Public Service Empoyees in Bavaria (in German, "Richtlinien über die Inklusion behinderter Angehöriger des Öffentlichen Dienstes in Bayern", on the "Bürgerservice Bayern.Recht" website of the Bavarian State Chancellery)

Include recruitment, compensation for disadvantages, employment, working conditions, career advancement, assessment, part-time work, reintegration, part-time work for older workers, other measures and information on inclusion.

Webmaster: Dr. Stefan Kurth

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