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Diversity Service Centre

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Workshops, Team Development and Coaching

The individuals who work and study at the University of Bayreuth differ from each other in many ways, e.g. in their age, their gender and sexual identity, their origin and socialisation, their physical and mental abilities, as well as their ideological orientation.

In co-operation with qualified instructors and coaches, the Diversity Service Centre offers various learning opportunities to promote an appreciative approach to diversity and to counteract discrimination in the university context proficiently.

Further training for newly appointed professors:
"Gender- and diversity-appropriate communication"

The training programme includes the following components:

  • Workshop: Diversity, anti-bias and protection against discrimination in the university context  (full day)
    Description and upcoming dates: see below. To register, please contact diversity@uni-bayreuth.de 

  • Online training course: General Equal Treatment Act for executives (approx. 60 minutes)
    Self-paced, access data available at diversity@uni-bayreuth.de

  • Individual session: Protection against discrimination and conflict management at UBT (60 minutes)
    Please contact Dr. Stefan Kurth, head of the Diversity Service Centre (stefan.kurth@uni-bayreuth.de) for an appointment.

Workshops: Diversity, Anti-Bias and Protection against Discrimination

We regularly organise workshops for staff of the University of Bayreuth. They cover

  • the conscious, respectful and constructive handling of diversity,
  • the examination of implicit bias, and
  • the identification, elimination and prevention of disadvantages (non-discrimination).

The workshops are aimed at professors, academic and non-academic executives and employees with coordinating and advisory tasks.

Workshop in Winter Semester 2025

Digital Live Workshop „Diversity, Anti-Bias and Protection against Discrimination in the University Context“
on Thursday, 13 February 2025, 09:00 am to 4.30 pm
with Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing (Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH)

Further information and registrationHide

Contents of the workshop

  • Diversity in practice: What role do the discrimination categories ethnic origin and racism, gender, religion and belief, disability, age and sexual identity play in the university context?
  • Self-reflection: What is my position within these categories? What structural privileges and disadvantages are associated with them?
  • Anti-bias strategies: How can stereotypes distort my perception and affect my professional communication? How can I avoid disadvantaging others in everyday university life? How can I communicate with colleagues, students and employees in a diversity-sensitive way?


Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing is Professor of Social Sciences and Racism Research at the Evangelische Hochschule Bochum and the managing director of Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH. He is a dynamic and humorous diversity trainer with a vast experience in advising academic institutions and training executives. He will discuss the workshop topics with you in an academically profound way.

Read a short vita of Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing on his website (please scroll down for the English version).


To register, please send an email to diversity@uni-bayreuth.de by 2 February 2025.

Trainings on the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

The German General Equal Treatment Act regulates the legal protection against discrimination in the field of working life.

The University of Bayreuth offers the self-paced online training course "General Equal Treatment Act for Executives" (60 minutes) in English and German. Please contact us if you are interested!

Team Development for Heterogeneous Teams

Within departments and teams, the differences between the people involved may pose major challenges for their cooperation. At the same time, their diversity holds great potential for productivity, creativity and innovation.

If you perceive yourselves as a heterogeneous team and if you want to connect and grow together, we will organise a tailor-made workshop for team development in German or English together with you. Please contact us!

Diversity Coaching

Coaching is an umbrella term for resource- and solution-oriented counselling and change processes. Diversity coaching creates space to address individual change topics related to diversity and disadvantage in one's own professional biography, work situation and career development.

Our diversity coaching programme is aimed at academic and non-academic executives. It includes five individual sessions of 90 minutes each with an external, qualified coach. Please contact us if you are interested!

Webmaster: Dr. Stefan Kurth

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